
Leetcode 算法题解


  • 最左侧是题AC的情况,打勾的表示已经AC(很久没刷题,又落后了)
  • 目前题解数:328, 可做总数: 601 (题目总数: 734 有锁题数: 133)
  • Title栏目下有链接的就是已经发题解的了,有的题没有写题解,有空的时候补上。
  • 如果要哪一个我还没发的 leetcode题解报告 ,可以留言,博主抽空就写。
  • 有任何疑问欢迎留言^ ^ 博主尽快回复
  • 由于博客从wordpress转到了hexo,可能存在部分c++代码中运算符||消失的情况
  • 欢迎指出错误、有更快、更省空间的算法



# Title Acceptance Difficulty Language
1202 Smallest String With Swaps 49.2% Medium Python
947 Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column 61.1% Medium Python
877 Stone Game 76.4% Medium C++
819 Most Common Word 52.2% Easy C++ / Python
818 Race Car 23.7% Hard C++ / Python
817 Linked List Components 47.3% Medium C++ / Python
816 Ambiguous Coordinates 41.5% Medium C++ / Python
815 Bus Routes 31.1% Hard
814 Binary Tree Pruning 72.6% Medium
813 Largest Sum of Averages 38.0% Medium
812 Largest Triangle Area 52.4% Easy
811 Subdomain Visit Count 65.0% Easy
810 Chalkboard XOR Game 36.0% Hard
809 Expressive Words 35.4% Medium
808 Soup Servings 31.4% Medium
807 Max Increase to Keep City Skyline 82.1% Medium
806 Number of Lines To Write String 64.6% Easy
805 Split Array With Same Average 20.1% Hard
804 Unique Morse Code Words 76.3% Easy
803 Bricks Falling When Hit 20.8% Hard Python
802 Find Eventual Safe States 35.9% Medium
801 Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing 23.9% Medium
800 Similar RGB Color 53.5% Easy
799 Champagne Tower 29.0% Medium C++ / Python
798 Smallest Rotation with Highest Score 31.5% Hard C++ / Python
797 All Paths From Source to Target 69.1% Medium Python
796 Rotate String 54.4% Easy C++ / Python
795 Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum 40.6% Medium
794 Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State 27.6% Medium
793 Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function 44.6% Hard
792 Number of Matching Subsequences 35.3% Medium
791 Custom Sort String 60.1% Medium
790 Domino and Tromino Tiling 32.2% Medium
789 Escape The Ghosts 48.2% Medium
788 Rotated Digits 50.5% Easy
787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops 29.9% Medium
786 K-th Smallest Prime Fraction 30.0% Hard
785 Is Graph Bipartite? 38.9% Medium
784 Letter Case Permutation 52.4% Easy
783 Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes 47.3% Easy
782 Transform to Chessboard 35.8% Hard
781 Rabbits in Forest 49.4% Medium
780 Reaching Points 22.3% Hard
779 K-th Symbol in Grammar 36.1% Medium
778 Swim in Rising Water 44.4% Hard
777 Swap Adjacent in LR String 27.8% Medium
775 Global and Local Inversions 31.7% Medium
773 Sliding Puzzle 47.6% Hard
771 Jewels and Stones 82.1% Easy
770 Basic Calculator IV 43.2% Hard
769 Max Chunks To Make Sorted 47.8% Medium
768 Max Chunks To Make Sorted II 42.9% Hard
767 Reorganize String 35.6% Medium
766 Toeplitz Matrix 57.7% Easy
765 Couples Holding Hands 48.3% Hard
764 Largest Plus Sign 37.4% Medium
763 Partition Labels 64.2% Medium
762 Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation 55.0% Easy
761 Special Binary String 41.6% Hard
757 Set Intersection Size At Least Two 34.8% Hard
756 Pyramid Transition Matrix 45.8% Medium
754 Reach a Number 26.6% Medium
753 Cracking the Safe 39.8% Hard
752 Open the Lock 38.6% Medium
749 Contain Virus 39.7% Hard
748 Shortest Completing Word 51.9% Medium
747 Largest Number At Least Twice of Others 41.8% Easy
746 Min Cost Climbing Stairs 43.3% Easy
745 Prefix and Suffix Search 25.4% Hard
744 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target 44.0% Easy
743 Network Delay Time 35.1% Medium
741 Cherry Pickup 23.7% Hard
740 Delete and Earn 43.9% Medium
739 Daily Temperatures 52.5% Medium
738 Monotone Increasing Digits 40.8% Medium
736 Parse Lisp Expression 43.0% Hard
735 Asteroid Collision 37.0% Medium
733 Flood Fill 47.9% Easy
732 My Calendar III 50.9% Hard
731 My Calendar II 37.6% Medium
730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences 35.1% Hard
729 My Calendar I 42.4% Medium
728 Self Dividing Numbers 66.7% Easy
726 Number of Atoms 43.8% Hard
725 Split Linked List in Parts 47.3% Medium
724 Find Pivot Index 39.4% Easy
722 Remove Comments 27.9% Medium
721 Accounts Merge 32.9% Medium
720 Longest Word in Dictionary 41.4% Easy
719 Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance 27.0% Hard
718 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray 41.5% Medium Java / Python
717 1-bit and 2-bit Characters 49.5% Easy C++
715 Range Module 31.2% Hard
714 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee 45.5% Medium C++ / Java / Python
713 Subarray Product Less Than K 33.2% Medium C++ / Java / Python
712 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings 51.3% Medium C++ / Java / Python
699 Falling Squares 37.3% Hard C++ / Python
698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets 37.8% Medium Java
697 Degree of an Array 46.6% Easy Python
696 Count Binary Substrings 50.8% Easy Python
695 Max Area of Island 51.8% Easy Python
694 Number of Distinct Islands 45.2% Medium
693 Binary Number with Alternating Bits 55.7% Easy Python
692 Top K Frequent Words 41.3% Medium
691 Stickers to Spell Word 34.8% Hard Python
690 Employee Importance 51.6% Easy
689 Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays 41.0% Hard Python
688 Knight Probability in Chessboard 40.0% Medium Python
687 Longest Univalue Path 32.9% Easy Python
686 Repeated String Match 32.2% Easy Python
685 Redundant Connection II 27.9% Hard
684 Redundant Connection 43.7% Medium
683 K Empty Slots 34.4% Hard
682 Baseball Game 58.0% Easy
681 Next Closest Time 42.0% Medium
680 Valid Palindrome II 32.2% Easy
679 24 Game 38.7% Hard
678 Valid Parenthesis String 29.5% Medium
677 Map Sum Pairs 51.6% Medium
676 Implement Magic Dictionary 49.1% Medium
675 Cut Off Trees for Golf Event 27.0% Hard
674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence 42.4% Easy
673 Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence 31.6% Medium
672 Bulb Switcher II 49.5% Medium
671 Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree 41.8% Easy
670 Maximum Swap 38.6% Medium
669 Trim a Binary Search Tree 58.0% Easy
668 Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table 40.1% Hard
667 Beautiful Arrangement II 51.4% Medium
665 Non-decreasing Array 20.3% Easy
664 Strange Printer 34.1% Hard
663 Equal Tree Partition 36.7% Medium
662 Maximum Width of Binary Tree 38.1% Medium
661 Image Smoother 46.0% Easy
660 Remove 9 49.5% Hard
659 Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences 37.0% Medium
658 Find K Closest Elements 35.0% Medium
657 Judge Route Circle 68.5% Easy
655 Print Binary Tree 49.2% Medium
654 Maximum Binary Tree 69.9% Medium
653 Two Sum IV – Input is a BST 50.0% Easy
652 Find Duplicate Subtrees 36.8% Medium
650 2 Keys Keyboard 44.9% Medium
649 Dota2 Senate 36.7% Medium
648 Replace Words 47.8% Medium
647 Palindromic Substrings 54.7% Medium
646 Maximum Length of Pair Chain 47.2% Medium
645 Set Mismatch 39.6% Easy
643 Maximum Average Subarray I 37.5% Easy
640 Solve the Equation 38.6% Medium
639 Decode Ways II 24.4% Hard
638 Shopping Offers 45.1% Medium
637 Average of Levels in Binary Tree 55.8% Easy
636 Exclusive Time of Functions 44.6% Medium
633 Sum of Square Numbers 32.3% Easy
632 Smallest Range 41.9% Hard
630 Course Schedule III 29.4% Hard
629 K Inverse Pairs Array 27.3% Hard
628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers 44.6% Easy
623 Add One Row to Tree 46.2% Medium
621 Task Scheduler 42.4% Medium
617 Merge Two Binary Trees 67.5% Easy
611 Valid Triangle Number 42.1% Medium
609 Find Duplicate File in System 52.2% Medium
606 Construct String from Binary Tree 49.7% Easy
605 Can Place Flowers 30.1% Easy
600 Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones 31.7% Hard
599 Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists 46.4% Easy
598 Range Addition II 48.1% Easy
594 Longest Harmonious Subsequence 41.1% Easy
593 Valid Square 39.9% Medium
592 Fraction Addition and Subtraction 46.0% Medium
591 Tag Validator 31.0% Hard
587 Erect the Fence 33.7% Hard
583 Delete Operation for Two Strings 44.5% Medium
582 Kill Process 50.8% Medium
581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray 29.1% Easy
576 Out of Boundary Paths 30.6% Medium
575 Distribute Candies 58.0% Easy
572 Subtree of Another Tree 40.2% Easy
567 Permutation in String 36.3% Medium
566 Reshape the Matrix 57.6% Easy
565 Array Nesting 49.3% Medium
564 Find the Closest Palindrome 17.2% Hard
563 Binary Tree Tilt 47.2% Easy
561 Array Partition I 66.3% Easy
560 Subarray Sum Equals K 39.9% Medium
557 Reverse Words in a String III 60.0% Easy
556 Next Greater Element III 29.0% Medium
554 Brick Wall 46.5% Medium
553 Optimal Division 55.2% Medium
552 Student Attendance Record II 31.6% Hard
551 Student Attendance Record I 44.6% Easy
547 Number of Provinces 49.1% Medium Python
546 Remove Boxes 35.4% Hard
544 Output Contest Matches 71.4% Medium
543 Diameter of Binary Tree 44.9% Easy Python
542 01 Matrix 33.0% Medium Python
541 Reverse String II 43.9% Easy
540 Single Element in a Sorted Array 55.9% Medium
539 Minimum Time Difference 46.1% Medium
538 Convert BST to Greater Tree 48.7% Easy Python
537 Complex Number Multiplication 63.6% Medium
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL 73.8% Medium
532 K-diff Pairs in an Array 28.1% Easy
530 Minimum Absolute Difference in BST 47.4% Easy
529 Minesweeper 49.5% Medium
528 Random Pick with Weight 43.3% Medium
526 Beautiful Arrangement 53.2% Medium
525 Contiguous Array 41.4% Medium
524 Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting 43.3% Medium
523 Continuous Subarray Sum 23.3% Medium
522 Longest Uncommon Subsequence II 32.0% Medium
521 Longest Uncommon Subsequence I 55.7% Easy
520 Detect Capital 51.9% Easy
517 Super Washing Machines 36.3% Hard
516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 42.8% Medium
515 Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row 55.5% Medium
514 Freedom Trail 39.3% Hard
513 Find Bottom Left Tree Value 56.1% Medium
508 Most Frequent Subtree Sum 52.2% Medium
507 Perfect Number 32.5% Easy
506 Relative Ranks 46.9% Easy
504 Base 7 43.9% Easy
503 Next Greater Element II 48.1% Medium
502 IPO 36.4% Hard
501 Find Mode in Binary Search Tree 37.5% Easy
500 Keyboard Row 59.9% Easy
498 Diagonal Traverse 46.2% Medium
496 Next Greater Element I 56.5% Easy
495 Teemo Attacking 51.4% Medium
494 Target Sum 43.8% Medium
493 Reverse Pairs 20.8% Hard
492 Construct the Rectangle 48.0% Easy
491 Increasing Subsequences 38.8% Medium
488 Zuma Game 37.2% Hard
486 Predict the Winner 45.1% Medium
485 Max Consecutive Ones 53.8% Easy
483 Smallest Good Base 33.7% Hard
482 License Key Formatting 39.6% Easy
481 Magical String 45.8% Medium
480 Sliding Window Median 30.8% Hard
479 Largest Palindrome Product 25.6% Easy
477 Total Hamming Distance 47.5% Medium
476 Number Complement 61.1% Easy
475 Heaters 29.7% Easy
474 Ones and Zeroes 38.8% Medium
473 Matchsticks to Square 35.3% Medium
472 Concatenated Words 31.0% Hard
468 Validate IP Address 20.6% Medium
467 Unique Substrings in Wraparound String 33.2% Medium
466 Count The Repetitions 27.3% Hard
464 Can I Win 25.3% Medium
463 Island Perimeter 57.9% Easy
462 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II 51.8% Medium
461 Hamming Distance 69.5% Easy
460 LFU Cache 25.1% Hard
459 Repeated Substring Pattern 38.2% Easy
456 132 Pattern 27.8% Medium
455 Assign Cookies 47.2% Easy
454 4Sum II 47.6% Medium
453 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements 48.0% Easy
452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons 44.5% Medium
451 Sort Characters By Frequency 51.7% Medium
450 Delete Node in a BST 37.8% Medium
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST 43.0% Medium C++ / Java / Python
448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array 51.1% Easy
447 Number of Boomerangs 46.7% Easy
446 Arithmetic Slices II – Subsequence 28.0% Hard
445 Add Two Numbers II 46.2% Medium
443 String Compression 35.9% Easy
442 Find All Duplicates in an Array 57.0% Medium
441 Arranging Coins 36.5% Easy
440 K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order 25.7% Hard
438 Find All Anagrams in a String 33.9% Easy
437 Path Sum III 40.2% Easy
436 Find Right Interval 41.5% Medium
435 Non-overlapping Intervals 41.2% Medium
434 Number of Segments in a String 36.6% Easy
432 All O`one Data Structure 28.0% Hard C++ / Java / Python
424 Longest Repeating Character Replacement 42.6% Medium
423 Reconstruct Original Digits from English 44.7% Medium
421 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array 48.0% Medium
420 Strong Password Checker 19.8% Hard
419 Battleships in a Board 63.1% Medium
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow 34.8% Medium
416 Partition Equal Subset Sum 38.9% Medium
415 Add Strings 41.8% Easy
414 Third Maximum Number 28.1% Easy
413 Arithmetic Slices 54.5% Medium
412 Fizz Buzz 58.1% Easy
410 Split Array Largest Sum 39.4% Hard
409 Longest Palindrome 46.0% Easy
407 Trapping Rain Water II 37.9% Hard
406 Queue Reconstruction by Height 56.5% Medium
405 Convert a Number to Hexadecimal 41.0% Easy
404 Sum of Left Leaves 47.5% Easy
403 Frog Jump 32.6% Hard Python
402 Remove K Digits 25.8% Medium Python
401 Binary Watch 44.8% Easy Python
400 Nth Digit 30.2% Easy Python
399 Evaluate Division 42.4% Medium Python
398 Random Pick Index 44.7% Medium Python
397 Integer Replacement 30.5% Medium Python
396 Rotate Function 33.8% Medium Python
395 Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters 35.7% Medium C++ / Python
394 Decode String 42.1% Medium Python
393 UTF-8 Validation 34.8% Medium Python
392 Is Subsequence 44.7% Medium C++ / Java / Python
391 Perfect Rectangle 27.5% Hard Python
390 Elimination Game 42.6% Medium Python
389 Find the Difference 51.3% Easy Python
388 Longest Absolute File Path 37.5% Medium Python
387 First Unique Character in a String 47.1% Easy Python
386 Lexicographical Numbers 42.3% Medium Python
385 Mini Parser 30.9% Medium Python
384 Shuffle an Array 47.3% Medium C++ / Java / Python
383 Ransom Note 47.8% Easy C++ / Java / Python
382 Linked List Random Node 47.4% Medium C++ / Java / Python
381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) – Duplicates allowed 29.7% Hard C++ / Python
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 39.9% Medium Python
378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix 45.5% Medium C++ / Java / Python
377 Combination Sum IV 42.7% Medium C++ / Java / Python
376 Wiggle Subsequence 36.1% Medium C++ / Java / Python
375 Guess Number Higher or Lower II 36.1% Medium C++ / Java / Python
374 Guess Number Higher or Lower 36.7% Easy C++ / Java / Python
373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums 31.3% Medium C++
372 Super Pow 34.8% Medium C++ / Java / Python
371 Sum of Two Integers 50.9% Easy C++ / Java / Python
368 Largest Divisible Subset 33.9% Medium C++ / Java / Python
367 Valid Perfect Square 38.7% Easy C++ / Java / Python
365 Water and Jug Problem 28.0% Medium C++ / Java / Python
363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K 33.8% Hard C++
357 Count Numbers with Unique Digits 46.1% Medium C++ / Java / Python
355 Design Twitter 25.8% Medium Python
354 Russian Doll Envelopes 32.6% Hard C++ / Python
352 Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals 41.1% Hard Java
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II 44.3% Easy Python
349 Intersection of Two Arrays 48.3% Easy C++ / Java / Python
347 Top K Frequent Elements 49.6% Medium C++ / Python
345 Reverse Vowels of a String 39.2% Easy C++
344 Reverse String 60.4% Easy C++ / Python
343 Integer Break 46.5% Medium Python
342 Power of Four 39.2% Easy C++ / Java / Python
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator 43.2% Medium
338 Counting Bits 62.2% Medium C++ / Java / Python
337 House Robber III 44.7% Medium C++ / Java / Python
336 Palindrome Pairs 27.2% Hard Python
335 Self Crossing 26.2% Hard C++ / Java / Python
334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence 39.7% Medium C++ / Java / Python
332 Reconstruct Itinerary 29.9% Medium C++ / Python
331 Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree 37.1% Medium Java / Python
330 Patching Array 32.7% Hard C++ / Java / Python
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix 37.5% Hard C++ / Java / Python
328 Odd Even Linked List 44.8% Medium C++ / Java / Python
327 Count of Range Sum 30.7% Hard C++ / Python
326 Power of Three 40.7% Easy C++ / Java / Python
324 Wiggle Sort II 26.4% Medium Java / Python
322 Coin Change 26.6% Medium C++ / Java / Python
321 Create Maximum Number 24.8% Hard C++ / Java / Python
319 Bulb Switcher 43.0% Medium C++ / Java / Python
318 Maximum Product of Word Lengths 45.7% Medium C++ / Java / Python
316 Remove Duplicate Letters 30.4% Hard Python
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self 35.0% Hard
313 Super Ugly Number 38.3% Medium C++ / Java / Python
312 Burst Balloons 43.7% Hard
310 Minimum Height Trees 29.0% Medium
309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown 42.0% Medium
307 Range Sum Query – Mutable 22.6% Medium
306 Additive Number 27.7% Medium
304 Range Sum Query 2D – Immutable 27.3% Medium
303 Range Sum Query – Immutable 32.2% Easy
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses 35.9% Hard
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 38.9% Medium
299 Bulls and Cows 36.0% Medium
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 35.1% Hard C++ / Java / Python
295 Find Median from Data Stream 29.6% Hard
292 Nim Game 55.4% Easy
290 Word Pattern 33.5% Easy
289 Game of Life 37.3% Medium
287 Find the Duplicate Number 44.3% Medium
284 Peeking Iterator 35.5% Medium
283 Move Zeroes 51.6% Easy
282 Expression Add Operators 30.6% Hard
279 Perfect Squares 37.8% Medium
278 First Bad Version 25.9% Easy
275 H-Index II 34.9% Medium Python
274 H-Index 33.7% Medium C++ / Python
273 Integer to English Words 22.8% Hard
268 Missing Number 45.1% Easy C++ / Python
264 Ugly Number II 33.3% Medium C++ / Java / Python
263 Ugly Number 39.7% Easy C++ / Java / Python
260 Single Number III 53.2% Medium
258 Add Digits 51.8% Easy C++ / Python
257 Binary Tree Paths 41.3% Easy
242 Valid Anagram 47.5% Easy
241 Different Ways to Add Parentheses 46.1% Medium
240 Search a 2D Matrix II 39.1% Medium C++ / Java / Python
239 Sliding Window Maximum 34.2% Hard
238 Product of Array Except Self 50.3% Medium C++ / Java / Python
237 Delete Node in a Linked List 47.2% Easy
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 29.9% Medium Python
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 39.8% Easy Python
234 Palindrome Linked List 33.5% Easy
233 Number of Digit One 29.0% Hard
232 Implement Queue using Stacks 38.1% Easy
231 Power of Two 40.8% Easy
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST 45.3% Medium
229 Majority Element II 29.2% Medium
228 Summary Ranges 32.1% Medium C++
227 Basic Calculator II 30.1% Medium
226 Invert Binary Tree 53.3% Easy
225 Implement Stack using Queues 34.4% Easy
224 Basic Calculator 28.7% Hard
223 Rectangle Area 33.8% Medium
222 Count Complete Tree Nodes 27.7% Medium
221 Maximal Square 30.4% Medium
220 Contains Duplicate III 18.8% Medium C++ / Java / Python
219 Contains Duplicate II 32.9% Easy C++ / Java / Python
218 The Skyline Problem 29.1% Hard
217 Contains Duplicate 47.1% Easy C++ / Java / Python
216 Combination Sum III 47.3% Medium
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 40.6% Medium
214 Shortest Palindrome 25.2% Hard
213 House Robber II 34.6% Medium
212 Word Search II 24.8% Hard
211 Add and Search Word – Data structure design 25.4% Medium
210 Course Schedule II 30.3% Medium
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum 32.1% Medium C++ / Java / Python
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 31.0% Medium
207 Course Schedule 33.8% Medium
206 Reverse Linked List 46.8% Easy
205 Isomorphic Strings 34.8% Easy
204 Count Primes 26.5% Easy C++ / Java / Python
203 Remove Linked List Elements 33.5% Easy
202 Happy Number 41.6% Easy
201 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range 34.5% Medium
200 Number of Islands 36.6% Medium
199 Binary Tree Right Side View 42.5% Medium
198 House Robber 40.0% Easy
191 Number of 1 Bits 40.4% Easy
190 Reverse Bits 29.4% Easy
189 Rotate Array 25.3% Easy
188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 24.9% Hard
187 Repeated DNA Sequences 33.1% Medium
179 Largest Number 23.5% Medium C++ / Java / Python
174 Dungeon Game 24.2% Hard
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 43.6% Medium
172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes 37.0% Easy
171 Excel Sheet Column Number 48.5% Easy
169 Majority Element 48.0% Easy
168 Excel Sheet Column Title 27.3% Easy
167 Two Sum II – Input array is sorted 47.2% Easy C++ / Java / Python
166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal 18.1% Medium
165 Compare Version Numbers 20.8% Medium
164 Maximum Gap 30.1% Hard
162 Find Peak Element 38.9% Medium
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists 30.9% Easy C / C++ / Java / Python
155 Min Stack 31.3% Easy C++ / Python
154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II 37.9% Hard
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 40.9% Medium
152 Maximum Product Subarray 26.8% Medium
151 Reverse Words in a String 15.6% Medium
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 28.5% Medium
149 Max Points on a Line 15.2% Hard
148 Sort List 29.9% Medium
147 Insertion Sort List 33.9% Medium
146 LRU Cache 19.9% Hard
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 42.3% Hard C++ / Python
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal 46.9% Medium C++ / Python
143 Reorder List 26.8% Medium C++ / Python
142 Linked List Cycle II 30.6% Medium C++ / Java / Python
141 Linked List Cycle 35.0% Easy C / C++ / Java / Python
140 Word Break II 24.6% Hard
139 Word Break 31.5% Medium
138 Copy List with Random Pointer 25.8% Medium C++ / Python
137 Single Number II 42.7% Medium
136 Single Number 55.4% Easy
135 Candy 25.3% Hard C++ / Python
134 Gas Station 30.0% Medium C++ / Python
133 Clone Graph 25.2% Medium
132 Palindrome Partitioning II 24.9% Hard C++ / Java / Python
131 Palindrome Partitioning 35.7% Medium C++ / Python
130 Surrounded Regions 19.7% Medium C++ / Python
129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 37.8% Medium
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence 38.3% Hard
127 Word Ladder 20.1% Medium
126 Word Ladder II 14.9% Hard
125 Valid Palindrome 27.0% Easy
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 27.2% Hard
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 30.4% Hard
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 47.7% Easy
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 42.9% Easy
120 Triangle 34.9% Medium C++ / Python
119 Pascal’s Triangle II 38.2% Easy C++ / Python
118 Pascal’s Triangle 40.1% Easy C++ / Python
117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 33.9% Medium
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 36.8% Medium
115 Distinct Subsequences 32.1% Hard C++ / Python
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 36.6% Medium C++ / Python
113 Path Sum II 35.7% Medium C++ / Python
112 Path Sum 35.0% Easy
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 33.6% Easy
110 Balanced Binary Tree 38.5% Easy C++ / Python
109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 35.8% Medium C++ / Java / Python
108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 44.6% Easy C++ / Java / Python
107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 42.2% Easy C++ / Python
106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal 33.7% Medium
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 34.2% Medium
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 55.0% Easy C++ / Python
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 36.8% Medium C++ / Python
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 42.7% Medium C++ / Python
101 Symmetric Tree 40.4% Easy C++ / Python
100 Same Tree 47.8% Easy C++ / Python
99 Recover Binary Search Tree 31.1% Hard
98 Validate Binary Search Tree 24.1% Medium
97 Interleaving String 25.2% Hard C++ / Python
96 Unique Binary Search Trees 42.0% Medium
95 Unique Binary Search Trees II 32.3% Medium
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 49.8% Medium
93 Restore IP Addresses 28.5% Medium
92 Reverse Linked List II 31.4% Medium
91 Decode Ways 20.3% Medium C++ / Python
90 Subsets II 38.3% Medium C++ / Java / Python
89 Gray Code 42.5% Medium C++ / Python
88 Merge Sorted Array 32.1% Easy C++ / Python
87 Scramble String 29.7% Hard C++ / Python
86 Partition List 33.5% Medium C++ / Python
85 Maximal Rectangle 29.7% Hard C++ / Python
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram 27.6% Hard C++ / Python
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 40.3% Easy C++ / Python
82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II 30.0% Medium C++ / Python
81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II 32.7% Medium C++ / Python
80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II 36.8% Medium C++ / Python
79 Word Search 28.1% Medium C++ / Python
78 Subsets 44.9% Medium C++ / Java / Python
77 Combinations 41.3% Medium C++ / Java / Python
76 Minimum Window Substring 26.8% Hard C++ / Python
75 Sort Colors 38.9% Medium C++ / Python
74 Search a 2D Matrix 34.6% Medium C++ / Python
73 Set Matrix Zeroes 36.5% Medium C++ / Python
72 Edit Distance 32.6% Hard C++ / Java / Python
71 Simplify Path 26.3% Medium
70 Climbing Stairs 41.3% Easy C++ / Python
69 Sqrt(x) 28.9% Easy C++ / Python
68 Text Justification 20.0% Hard C++ / Python
67 Add Binary 34.1% Easy C++ / Python
66 Plus One 39.8% Easy C++ / Python
65 Valid Number 12.9% Hard
64 Minimum Path Sum 40.8% Medium C++ / Python
63 Unique Paths II 32.2% Medium C++ / Python
62 Unique Paths 42.9% Medium C++ / Python
61 Rotate List 24.5% Medium C++ / Python
60 Permutation Sequence 29.5% Medium
59 Spiral Matrix II 41.0% Medium
58 Length of Last Word 32.1% Easy C++ / Python
57 Insert Interval 29.0% Hard C++ / Python
56 Merge Intervals 32.0% Medium C++ / Python
55 Jump Game 29.5% Medium C++ / Python
54 Spiral Matrix 27.3% Medium
53 Maximum Subarray 40.3% Easy
52 N-Queens II 46.9% Hard
51 N-Queens 33.3% Hard
50 Pow(x, n) 26.0% Medium
49 Group Anagrams 38.5% Medium
48 Rotate Image 41.9% Medium C++ / Python
47 Permutations II 35.1% Medium C++ / Java / Python
46 Permutations 47.4% Medium C++ / Java / Python
45 Jump Game II 26.1% Hard C++ / Python
44 Wildcard Matching 21.0% Hard
43 Multiply Strings 28.0% Medium
42 Trapping Rain Water 37.6% Hard C++ / Java / Python
41 First Missing Positive 25.8% Hard C++ / Python
40 Combination Sum II 36.0% Medium C++ / Java / Python
39 Combination Sum 41.5% Medium C++ / Java / Python
38 Count and Say 36.8% Easy C++ / Python
37 Sudoku Solver 32.1% Hard C++ / Python
36 Valid Sudoku 37.6% Medium C++ / Python
35 Search Insert Position 40.0% Easy C++ / Python
34 Search for a Range 31.6% Medium C++ / Python
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 31.9% Medium C++ / Python
32 Longest Valid Parentheses 23.2% Hard C++ / Python
31 Next Permutation 29.1% Medium C++ / Java / Python
30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words 22.3% Hard C++ / Python
29 Divide Two Integers 15.7% Medium C++ / Python
28 Implement strStr() 29.0% Easy C++ / Python
27 Remove Element 40.8% Easy C++ / Python
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 36.4% Easy C++ / Python
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group 31.7% Hard C++
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 39.2% Medium C++
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 28.1% Hard C++ / Python
22 Generate Parentheses 48.1% Medium C++ / Python
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 41.2% Easy C++ / Python
20 Valid Parentheses 34.0% Easy C++ / Python
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List 34.0% Medium C++ / Python
18 4Sum 27.5% Medium C++ / Java / Python
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 36.5% Medium C++ / Python
16 3Sum Closest 31.7% Medium C++ / Python
15 3Sum 21.8% Medium C++ / Java / Python
14 Longest Common Prefix 31.6% Easy C++ / Java / Python
13 Roman to Integer 48.1% Easy
12 Integer to Roman 46.2% Medium
11 Container With Most Water 37.1% Medium C++ / Java / Python
10 Regular Expression Matching 24.3% Hard
9 Palindrome Number 35.8% Easy C++ / Python
8 String to Integer (atoi) 14.1% Medium C++ / Python
7 Reverse Integer 24.4% Easy C++ / Java / Python
6 ZigZag Conversion 27.3% Medium C++ / Java
5 Longest Palindromic Substring 25.3% Medium C++ / Java / Python
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 23.1% Hard C++ / Python
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 24.7% Medium
2 Add Two Numbers 28.6% Medium C++ / Java / Python
1 Two Sum 38.0% Easy C++ / Java / Python